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Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I wasn’t away from blogging but I had a problem . For the last two days I didn’t see my blog. Whenever I clicked the URL there is always blank page. But then thank god yesterday at last I was able to see it. Since yesterday was a holiday I spent half the day sleeping . Mom and sis were making plans to go to the book fair but they slept the whole evening. So that makes a conclusion that this year we aren't going to the fair. I don’t like it but guess I've no other choice.
Then last night me and Rafsan went to Ahmadhiyya for the "RaajjeIslamveeJalsaa". It was lovely, I mean every body was really happy and it brought back the memories of when I was in Ahmadhiyya.And there I got a new crush, I donno who he is but he's the deputy cappi of the school. A boy with the cutest smile I've evr seen!!

Yesterday I made this card for a Manarath( I even made an egg nest with a marble egg).I followed the theme of" Shrink to fit" by Daring Cardmakers . I used hard paper, markers and a little piece of lace cut to shape.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I try to reply to every comment personally. Have a good day!