Hmm. I was waiting to do this on September, but then I'd have to go without blogging for onw day. hah! August is well, not what i hoped. But it's fun, and I'm being lazy as most of the time.
So, next month I hope to,
1, Do all assignments and homework's
hmm. So, I got my first assignment this smemester, and I still have a gazillion overdue homeworks. hah!
2. Study prior to exams
Not on the day, or the day before. I usually fall into the on the day category, so I am still surprised that I get good grades. But I fee like I don't deserve them, cos so many people I know study a lot and get lower grades than me. It doesn't sound fair, so I want to not feel guilty, plus it'll give me a sense of self actualization. (very Princess Mia-ish! =P)
3. Try the goals I set in Crafts, Fashion, and Movies/Books.
Check out my other blogs to see the goals. Basically, I categorized my life into 4 parts this year. One, my personal and study life, then the love of my life, Fashion, then comes Movies/Books (mostly the knowledge center/entertainment/misc) and last is my favorite hobby, crafting. =D
4. Try to be more friendly, and get along with people!
I do get aloong with people, and I consider myself a friendly person. But lately, I have this feeling that I'm losing the friendship touch in me, and I guess that's what makes me ME!
5. Don't let others make me feel bad.
Don't care about what others think. I'm not their slave. Do my thing the way I want!
6. And most importantly, be myself!
And not copy people. There is only one me (at least, I hope so) and I'd like to keep it that way!
I wonder if I'll be able to do this all. If their is a will, then there's a way!