The big R word. It's a big slap in the face, sometimes literally. In life, people get rejected everyday. I've been rejected so many times that I've lost count. The first of my rejections (or the first that I remember vividly) is the time when I was in Ifthithaah, and I wasn't given the prefect title despite being the Girl Guide leader and being in every club that the school had. Next year when they did give me the title, I decided to reject them and leave school. -_- kidding! I left to come to Male' but its much cooler when I phrase it that way. haha, I wish my life was THAT dramatic.
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Anyhow, again in CHSE I got rejected a few times, mostly because of my own faults (hello too much attitude!) and then I was rejected on the second job I applied to President's Office cos I was too young. >.< YES, I have faced rejection throughout my life but I never really took it to the heart. One of my inspirations to cope with rejection in life is Tyra Banks. Yes, you read that correct. I learn a lot from watching America's Next Top Model. Smizing is one of those things. The other was the lesson that in life, you are going to get rejected, but you just need to try again and again. Apparently Tyra was rejected by many modeling agencies before she found her path.
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For my internship, I applied to seven places in total. Got rejected by three, two of them didn't even have the heart to reply, and got the chance from two. I have really good GPA's and a quite impressive resume' and yet I constantly get rejected. So whenever I get rejected, I apply to the next place. After all, its their loss. So basically, what I am trying to say here is that no matter how many times you get rejected (by jobs, guys, school, or whatever), just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back with life. As Bo Bennett says, " A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success".