Wednesday, September 4, 2013


My friend Moony is always posting this Doctor Who posts on Facebook and I got quite interested so I read up on it and turns out it might be my kinda show. A few weeks back, he brought Doctor who for me and I started watching and am in love with it now. Seriously. It's so fantastic!
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I watched season one in three days and LOVED Eccleston as the Doctor and also it took me a minute to like Tennant as the 10th! Amazing guy! Not such a big fan of Rose but she isn't half bad. 
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I can probably go on an on about how much I love the Tardis and the Sonic screwdriver and everything to do with the series. Everything is so brilliant. 
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If you haven't, I would highly suggest you to watch it, you will not regret. 


  1. Very nice...11 I absolutely enjoyed reading do check out my blog too :)
    with love ,


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