Monday, August 29, 2011
Eid is almost here.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Why Study?
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Birthday Celebrations and MORE Cancelled Classes
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Monday, August 22, 2011
The Gang
I’ve had various types of classmates ranging from the Jock to Nerd to downright mean. When you’re at school, don’t you feel like you belong with them, and they are gonna be your friends forever. But ah, they get other classmates and fall apart. But then again, you get new classmates too, unless you get a job in which case, GOOD LUCK. Cos you’re gonna need it.
I had a nice bunch of 14 classmates and last year I felt like we were gonna take over the world together. This year, not so much! Well, one reason is that 15 more students joined and then there were 30. This year, 10 more joined to make a ginormous 40 student class, a few of whose name I don’t even know. It’s such a weird thing you know, going into your own class and feeling like an outsider. *sigh*
Writing about all of them in one post would be lengthy and boring, so I’m gonna introduce my gang to you first, the 6 people in class who usually hangs out together a lot.
This is my VERY bad attempt at trying to draw them in paint. Yes, I still use paint. Photoshop what?
You all know N, one of my best-est friends in class, who is really fair and likes to wear formal shirts to class much to my dismay. (I believe that formal shirts should only we worn to office/presentations). A is my other best-est friend with whom I walk to and from FMC all the time. She is a bit quiet and loyal, a quality I adore in people. Girl M is one of the best people in class cos she reads HP and she can sew. She also loves Jhonny Depp and gets lots of my references. F is the smart guy who wears amazing shoes and watches Lie to Me. V is playboy whose sole purpose in life is to set people up. Guy M is the married guy who always buys us interval (yes, we still have interval as we are 9 year old kids at heart. You would see us all gulping our juice boxes and eating nutro biscuits on non fasting months). That is my gang, or so was known an my gang. We hangout together a lot and I love them.
And who am I? I would stereotype me as the crazy weird one, or maybe the talkative one. Well, that’s all folks!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
A to Z: The Sequel
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Thursday, August 11, 2011
Inspirational Woman: Mom
I can never ever write enough about her. Nor can I ever thank her enough for all the things she has done for me.
Both my parents are amazing people and I love them, but I feel rather ashamed that I’ve always been more of a Daddy’s girl, and never really got very close to mom. Despite that she’s always been there for me. All my birthdays, she makes me cakes and throws parties for me. She never lets me inside the kitchen, and hardly makes me do work. She keeps a close tab on me and my friends so as to never let me go in a wrong path.
I was a bit of an easy kid. Having to grow up with people two years older than me, I had no time to indulge in rebellious behavior, and hardly found a point for it, so I didn’t put much pressure on my parents. I knew how teenage life was even before I was one, and so I was able to go through it pretty nicely. I don’t regret not running after guys, not sneaking out, or not doing the thousands of things teenagers did. Instead, I gave other troubles to my parents, like volunteer to bake cakes, and stuff so my mom had to do them.
She and dad has always given me everything and more, before I even asked. I am very fortunate to have them, because I know that even when I mess up, they are here for me. I was spoiled at a young age, but I learned a lot of things through that phase. Dad and mom started giving me pocket money since I was seven so I was able to manage money from a younger age, and that is one thing that drew me to the business world. I like managing things.
They never pressured me to do anything. I was allowed to buy things I wanted and if I waste things, I am reminded of the wrongfulness in wasting. I was allowed to go out with friends (who, were all two or more years older than me. I have only two friends who are the same age as me, and that’s not such a bad thing.) and so I had no reason to go behind my parents back. I was allowed to do anything I pleased as long as it wasn’t illegal or prohibited in the religion. Dad and Mom shaped me to become the person I am today. Mom had to do most of the shaping because most of my pre-teen years were spent with her, and I’m glad for that. She thought me to participate in things, just to experience them, and that winning was nice, but nicer was to enjoy things. She thought me to pick friends carefully and to always be true to my principles. She was my mentor, she still is.
I love her despite how less I express it, and I am so very grateful to everything she has done and is doing for me and my siblings. Thank you god for giving me such a wonderful lovely mother. I couldn’t have asked for any better.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Of Presentations and Cancelled Classes
Classes got cancelled by the dozen this week, and replacement classes for replacement classes were cancelled too. What is this? Inception?
For those of you who follow me on twitter, sorry for bombarding your twitter feed with my whining over cancelled classes and how I have gazillion presentations. But it’s true you know. I never lie on twitter. Facebook however, is another story.
Finally I gave my presentation today, and it consisted of pictures of hot guys from TV series’ as metaphors and I’m not sure if people even got it. This is what happens. I try so hard and collect good pictures of lovely people so these classmates would have something interesting to look at while four other people also present the on the same topic for two hours, and never appreciate it. I should move to Turkey. I hear they appreciate hot guys there but my source is not completely believable.
A Random funny thing that happened this week. While Queen and I were coming to class, I saw the most hilarious incident happen. This old man was walking with a fish in a plastic bag and he was talking to someone about one feet away from him. Then suddenly this man points his hand (the one with the fish bag) to the person he was talking to, and an innocent by passer who just happened to have the worst timing ever got hit by the fish bag in the face. It was 9 30 in the morning. As if the incident wasn’t funny enough, Queen didn’t see it which was so hilarious since this happened just in front of us. Poor dude, getting hit in the face by a dead fish!
I’m having a good week and I’m pretty excited for the plans, except the exam tonight. I haven’t studied much, thanks to many hours spent playing uno and crying over the loss of my Barbie doll, Dahlia who seems to be missing. I found a single shoe in my bed. I sense nargles. Or it could have been the result of a teddy bear fight. You know, how the toys come alive at night and play games. I believe everything I hear on Toy Story.
Well, I hope you have a good time watching young singers in alienware making the old songs horrible-er and watching talented people make food on Rahathafaathu. I hope you would try some recipe’s too, and that it ends up one spice less.
Monday, August 8, 2011
A Bollywood Tale
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Sunday, August 7, 2011
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Thursday, August 4, 2011
Who are you wearing?
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
If I Die Young
Monday, August 1, 2011
Fast and Furious
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