Thursday, April 5, 2012

Post London Life

I just had to include London in the title. :P
Anyhow, since coming back, I've mostly been sick (STILL coughing constantly, not a good feeling) and unable to adjust back properly. I came back on 24th and slept for nearly 23 hours, and got up the next day (my record still stands at 26 hours after I came back from India) and had an exam the very next day, of which I was so sure I was going to flunk, but Masha Allah I passed. I had a tough week last week with lots of classes and catching up on studies, etc.
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This week is worse. I had an individual assignment due on Tuesday (on Entrepreneurship of which my assignment was mostly about Mark Zuckerberg and Justin Bieber.You see, when I have to resort to writing about Bieber on an assignment, it is the hieght of un-inspiredness!) and a propsal due today, which I have submitted, phew! Apart from this, Nawaf and I had been working every night till 12 (and him until the wee hours of  3 and 4 at dawn!) on the narration for our London documentry. Yes, we're celebrities and no, we are currently unavailable for any intereviews due to time constraints. I'll have my people call your people when I'm free. 
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Also so many exciting things have been happening such as un-birthday presents (Thanks to M for the Cakepops and HP cookbook and Lilly Pulitzer folders! Totally made my year!), Dhi<3 and its projects, lots of drama at Uni, getting my stories published and love from many people. I feel blessed to be here right now.
My classmates and  I are planning a picnic tomorrow, a family outing on Saturday, so its gonna be a busy weekend. Life is just good!


  1. NOW that I realized why didn't I get your post updates!! You'd changed your URL!!

    AMAzing London posts, Shaha! Following you again! Miss you!!

    1. Yeah, I moved my blog to my gmail account. I plan on changing it back though. >.<
      Thanks so much love. :D

  2. You're welcome.

    Expect more soon.

    1. Thanks so so much, but seriously! You have gotta stop spoiling me!!!

  3. Dear S.
    I am not trying to spoil you :P


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