Friday, April 20, 2012

Twenty things

Its been nearly two months since I turned the big two oh, but I've been only able to come up with my twenty things list because I have been super busy since my birthday. I loved being nineteen, and so far being twenty is not that bad. Yes I miss the teenage years, but I'm liking being mature despite the awful things it brings with it. So, here's my list.
  1. Have a wonderful relationship with my parents
  1. Get into a volunteer program
  1. Get a job
  1. Start saving up to send my parents to Hajj
  1. Start the "Pretties"
  1. Graduate college
  1. Finish an entire coloring book
  1. Be in a relationship
  1. Change my name for a day
  1. Crash a wedding
  1. Write a letter to JK Rowling
  1. Make a jar of lucky paper stars
  1. Throw an un-birthday party for classmates
  1. Make an yearbook
  1. Get a manicure
  1. Improve my relationship with god
  1. Learn to love people no matter what
  1. Be a better friend
  1. Become an early rise
  1. Enjoy being 20

Basically I have stuff from my life list, and a bit of other things important to me, and some fun stuff. Mostly I want to do the twentieth thing. As much as I love making these lists, some of it always end up being not done, so this time, I'm hoping to get everything done by the time I turn twenty one, which I am dreading right now but then again it is the inevitable. Graceful passage through time, as Gigs say. ^^


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