Sunday, October 20, 2013

Let's have a toast for the douchebags

Ah, hello everyone. I had a slow weekend all alone by myself. I didn't pick up any phone calls and watched old episodes of Friends all day long. Best kind of weekend eh. 

During Eid I made a couple headbands and ate a LOT of desserts. I really need a trip to the dentist, I feel super guilty about it but it was yummy. Mom, Hipster Sister and Mick went to Himmafushi to celebrate Eid but I could not go because I had office and other things. So Dad and I were staying and since Dad is mostly out I was all alone in the house and the first day it was super scary but I was enjoying being alone the second day. 

On Wednesday, I hosted DYM's Eid Scavenger Hunt which was a blast. There were 5 teams and we ran around finding things, videoing ourselves and generally having a great time. Everyone was a great sport and in the end team Batman won and all was great.

Overall, it was a good week with lots of resting, watching good things, reading good books and spending time with good friends. I did miss Mick and she was really sad that we didn't tag along but she had a great time with cousins playing Eid.

How was your weekend?
Currently Listening: Runaway - Kanye West


  1. eid mubarak! :) and don't ever regret something you enjoyed. *cough* desserts *cough* screw* dentist* cough*

  2. Sounds like the perfect weekend :)
    Glad you had a good time!


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