Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 5: Sea House and Star Parivaar Awards

Un (fortunately) I've got no food pictures for today. Sometimes I'm glad I do not own a smart phone, otherwise I am afraid I might become that over-sharer on Instagram that you'll love to hate. -.-

Anyhow, yesterday was a bit weird. I watched a couple episodes of Castle (I'm on the last two episodes now) and then it was time to go to Sea House with the DYM people. Wuff made me walk all the way to Replic Square because he was taking pictures. -.- such good friends I have! 

It was Wuff, Potz, Reus, Iyya and Adey at our table and we had to wait a long time after prayer to get in the queue and get the food but it was so worth it! The food was amazing. Especially the beef and the cauliflower thing. We also found a wuff-a-like, in his red shorts, haha. I had to run home early but that was definitely the best Iftaar I've had this Ramadan. 

I was supposed to go to the Election Fever theatre event since DYM was doing the marketing but I got way too lazy and didn't want to walk all the way there so I ended up watching Star Parivaar Awards on TV. I haven't watched it in so long! The last time was when I was a tiny nibblet living in the weird land known as Naifaru. :| The dances were fun and I had non idea who and who got the awards since I do not watch TV at all now.

PS It's so weird that I have not found a single picture of our meal on anyone's Instagram. For people who do love to instagram everything, this is bizarre. 

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